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Pyxis went to the United States in quest of fresh enterprises.
CX arrives in North America with exceptional technical capabilities to work on personal branding, improve customer interactions, and enhance transaction security.[...]
We’d like to share with you the history of our custom integration solution between SAP Marketing Cloud and WhatsApp.
A brief history of our custom integration solution between SAP Marketing Cloud and WhatsApp.[...]
Unlock revenue growth with a Customer Data Platform
The world is not what it was a few years ago... Nowadays, adapting to a digital-first, permission-based world requires an entirely new mindset.[...]
SAP Commerce Cloud Vision Ahead
In case you missed our SAP Commerce Cloud strategy and features, you want to make sure you take a quick check.

Now back to what brought you here, what’s the key roadmap for SAP Commerce Cloud?[...]
Unleashing SAP Commerce Cloud Power
We believe in sharing knowledge and insights. SAP Commerce Cloud had a classic talk about it's current capabilities that reinforce their enterprise grade commerce status for 2022.[...]
Sustainable ecommerce and the challenge of online returns
In episode number 15 of UR, we talk to Mariana Silvera, head of Pyxis' Environmental Commission, to learn about the impacts of ecommerce and how to mitigate them.[...]
Testing for dummies: understanding software testing
Federico Reale, Test Manager at Pyxis, tells us about the quality of technological developments for ecommerce and the importance of testers and analysts.[...]
Social selling: the sales model is getting stronger
Nowadays, with the use of social channels, ingruences and recommendations reach global scales and increase the opportunities to improve results for sellers and buyers.[...]
10 years certifying us with SAP Certified Development Professional
Andrés Benech, Mauricio Calcagno, María Fernanda Cardona, Mauro González, Florencia Sacra and Gonzalo Labandera obtained the SAP Certified Development Professional.[...]
Resistance to change: the application of AI to ecommerce
Sebastián García, CEO of IDATHA, tells us about the latest trends in hybrid systems that integrate artificial intelligence into their processes.[...]


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