Why Pyxis & Arc XP?

Delivering an awesome digital experience platform that is based on modern technology and great strategies for the Media & Publishing Sector when it comes to revenue, editorial experience, and performance.
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Why Arc XP?

As we familiarized ourselves with Arc’s digital experience platform, our enterprise, content, and commerce teams noted the platform’s huge potential given its extensive features, stable architecture, and flexibility, which empower users to achieve nearly anything. Today, Pyxis Java and React engineers are self-trained to provide solutions for the media, publishing, and ecommerce verticals, allowing our engineers to join and play critical roles in world-class projects.

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Si deseas marcar la diferencia para crear una empresa que construya un futuro en el que los clientes, empleados y accionistas ganen, conéctate con nosotrosIf you want to make a difference to create a company that builds a future where customers, employees and shareholders win - connect with us
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